Type Design Workshop 2019

The fifth edition of the main event of the year — “TDW 2019”. Writing letterforms, sketching typefaces, analysis of the connections between letters — 4 days of working on paper, 5 days working in the font software — about 60 hours of intense work, discussions, and individual guidance in total.
This course does not require any special preparations. Our students come to us from all sorts of backgrounds: architects, graphic designers, calligraphy artists, web-designers, and UX/UI designers. Basic graphic design education/background is preferred, however. We do love having people with different levels of expertise, as it makes the learning process much more exciting for all participants.
We have a tradition of giving out a free spot to our Type Design Workshops to full-time college students. Draw your name, take a selfie with the drawing and post the picture with a description why you want to join the workshop by June 2nd. Don’t forget to tag us and use the #шм2019конкурс hashtag. We will then choose the winner on June 5th.

- 11:00–12:25
- 12:25–12:35
- 12:35–14:00
- 14:00–15:00
lunch time
- 15:00–18:00
- 18:00–21:00
chat in slack