Type design workshop 2017

This course is primarily meant for designers who want to have more confidence when working with letters. Our goal is to teach you to see the logic in how the letters connect, to see them as a whole, through complete sentences, words, and paragraphs, rather than seeing the letters as separate units. We guarantee tons of sketching, searching and hard work. Over the course of eight days you won’t become a type designer, but you sure will make a significant improvement in your design skills.
The course is meant for beginners and it does not require a specialized background in type design. It is, however, important to us, that you have a basic education or work experience in the graphic design field. We do love having people with different levels of expertise, as it makes the learning process much more exciting for all participants. Our students come to us from all sorts of backgrounds: architects, graphic designers, calligraphy artists, web-designers, and UX/UI designers. Hand drawing expertise will not be required.
*Traditionally we have a free spot for students. How do you get it? Draw your name, take a picture of yourself with it and send it over to info@typedesignworkshop.org before June 30th. We will declare the winner on July 4th.

- 11:00–12:25
- 12:25–12:35
- 12:35–14:00
- 14:00–15:00
lunch time
- 15:00–18:00
- 18:00–21:00
chat in slack